
  • [VDMs] 계속 등장하는 수식들
    Research/DGM_recap 2025. 1. 27. 13:23


    나중에 참고하려고 정리


    여러 번 line by line으로 도출해봄..

    2.1. Forward Process: Gaussian Diffusion

    2.1.1. Linear Gaussian Transitions: q(zt | zs)


    2.1.2. Top-down Posterior: q(zs | zt, x)

    2.1.3. Learning the Noise Schedule

    2.2. Reverse Process: Discrete-Time Generative Model

    2.2.1. Generative Transitions: p(zs | zt)


    Two other notable parameterizations not elaborated upon in this article but certainly worth learning about include v-prediction (Salimans and Ho, 2022), and F-prediction (Karras et al., 2022). There are also interesting links to Flow Matching (Lipman et al., 2023), specifically with the Optimal Transport (OT) flow path, which can be interpreted as a type of Gaussian diffusion. Kingma and Gao (2023) formalize this relation under what they call the o-prediction parameterization – for further details on this and more the reader may refer to appendix D.3 in Kingma and Gao (2023).

    2.2.2. Variational Lower Bound

    2.2.3. Deriving D_kl( q(zs | zt, x) || p(zs | zt) )

    2.2.4. Monte Carlo Estimator of L_T(x)

    2.3. Reverse Process: Continuous-Time Generative Model

    2.3.1. On Infinite Depth

    Kingma et al. (2021) showed that doubling the number of timesteps T always improves the diffusion loss, which suggests we should optimize a continuous-time VLB, with T → ∞.

    2.3.2. Monte Carlo Estimator of L_∞(x)

    2.3.3. Invariance to the Noise Schedule

    2.4. Understanding Diffusion Objectives

    In Sections 2.2 and 2.3 we established that when the weighting function is uniform, diffusion-based objectives correspond directly to the ELBO.


    Although weighted diffusion model objectives appear markedly different from the ELBO, it turns out that all commonly used diffusion objectives optimize a weighted integral of ELBOs over different noise levels. Furthermore, if the weighting function is monotonic, then the diffusion objective equates to the ELBO under simple Gaussian noise-based data augmentation (Kingma and Gao, 2023). Different diffusion objectives imply specific weighting functions w(·) of the noise schedule.

    2.4.1. Weighted Diffusion Loss


    2.4.2. Noise Schedule Density

    2.4.3. Importance Sampling Distribution

    2.4.4. ELBO with Data Augmentation


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