[breaktime] LLM's pattern recognitionPaper Writing 1/Experiments 2024. 10. 28. 15:00
Just for fun!
I'm just curious about how can model recognize the patterns in the sequences.
Later on, I'm planning to research on how the model with mixture of attention and s6 layer can recoginize various patterns in the sequences. I think it will be interesting.I trained my base model* (gpt2 frozen, wo/ additional information injection, only alignment(cross-attn) & head parameters updated) on 10% of synthetic dataset (3 epochs) and investigated the zero-shot performance on ETTh1.
Args in experiment:
Namespace(is_training=0, model_id='512_96', model='MyModel', seed=2021, data='ETTh1', target_data='ETTh1.csv', root_path='./dataset/ETT-small/', data_path='ETTh1.csv', checkpoints='./checkpoints/', seq_len=512, pred_len=96, enc_in=7, d_model=32, n_heads=8, d_ff=128, dropout=0.1, patch_len=16, stride=8, llm_dim=768, num_workers=0, itr=1, train_epochs=3, batch_size=256, patience=10, learning_rate=0.001, lradj='type1', pct_start=0.2, llm_layers=6)>>>>>>>testing : 512_96_MyModel_Synthetic_sl512_pl96_dm32_nh8_df128_0<<<<<<
self.enc_in = 7
self.data_x = (3392, 7)
loading model
test on the ETTh1.csv dataset: mse:1.9248285293579102, mae:0.8418431282043457TimesFM zero-shot
MOIRAI zero-shot
< Training on synthetic dataset visualization >
< zero-shot prediction visualization >
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