[T5] (3/3) Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text TransformerResearch/NLP_Paper 2024. 7. 22. 18:02
3.7. Putting It All Together
We now leverage the insights from our systematic study to determine how far we can push performance on popular NLP benchmarks. We are also interested in exploring the current limits of transfer learning for NLP by training larger models on large amounts of data. We start with our baseline training approach and make the following changes:
We swap out the i.i.d. denoising objective in our baseline for the span-corruption objective described in Section 3.3.4, which was loosely inspired by SpanBERT (Joshi et al., 2019). Specifically, we use a mean span length of 3 and corrupt 15% of the original sequence. We found that this objective produced marginally better performance (Table 7) while being slightly more computationally efficient due to shorter target sequence lengths.
Longer training
Our baseline model uses a relatively small amount of pre-training (1⁄4 as much as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), 1⁄16 as much as XLNet (Yang et al., 2019), 1⁄64 as much as RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019c), etc.). Fortunately, C4 is big enough that we can train for substantially longer without repeating data (which can be detrimental, as shown in Section 3.4.2). We found in Section 3.6 that additional pre-training can indeed be helpful, and that both increasing the batch size and increasing the number of training steps can confer this benefit. We therefore pre-train our models for 1 million steps on a batch size of 2^11 sequences of length 512, corresponding to a total of about 1 trillion pre-training tokens (about 32× as many as our baseline). In Section 3.4.1, we showed that pre-training on the RealNews-like, WebText-like, and Wikipedia + TBC data sets outperformed pre-training on C4 on a few downstream tasks. However, these data set variants are sufficiently small that they would be repeated hundreds of times over the course of pre-training on 1 trillion tokens. Since we showed in Section 3.4.2 that this repetition could be harmful, we opted instead to continue using the C4 data set.
Model sizes
In Section 3.6 we also showed how scaling up the baseline model size improved performance. However, using smaller models can be helpful in settings where limited computational resources are available for fine-tuning or inference. Based on these factors, we train models with a wide range of sizes:
• Base. This is our baseline model, whose hyperparameters are described in Section 3.1.1. It has roughly 220 million parameters.
• Small. We consider a smaller model, which scales the baseline down by using d_model = 512, d_ff = 2,048, 8-headed attention, and only 6 layers each in the encoder and decoder. This variant has about 60 million parameters.
• Large. Since our baseline uses a BERT_BASE-sized encoder and decoder, we also consider a variant where the encoder and decoder are both similar in size and structure to BERT_LARGE. Specifically, this variant uses dmodel = 1,024, dff = 4,096, dkv = 64, 16-headed attention, and 24 layers each in the encoder and decoder, resulting in around 770 million parameters.
• 3B and 11B. To further explore what kind of performance is possible when using larger models, we consider two additional variants. In both cases, we use dmodel = 1024, a 24 layer encoder and decoder, and dkv = 128. For the “3B” variant, we use dff = 16,384 with 32-headed attention, which results in around 2.8 billion parameters; for “11B” we use dff = 65,536 with 128-headed attention producing a model with about 11 billion parameters. We chose to scale up dff specifically because modern accelerators (such as the TPUs we train our models on) are most efficient for large dense matrix multiplications like those in the Transformer’s feed-forward networks.
Multi-task pre-training
In Section 3.5.3, we showed that pre-training on a multi-task mixture of unsupervised and supervised tasks before fine-tuning worked as well as pre-training on the unsupervised task alone. This is the approach advocated by the “MT-DNN” (Liu et al., 2015, 2019b). It also has the practical benefit of being able to monitor “downstream” performance for the entire duration of training, rather than just during fine-tuning. We therefore used multi-task pre-training in our final set of experiments. We hypothesize that larger models trained for longer might benefit from a larger proportion of unlabeled data because they are more likely to overfit to smaller training data sets. However, we also note that the results of Section 3.5.3 suggest that fine-tuning after multi-task pre-training can mitigate some of the issues that might arise from choosing a suboptimal proportion of unlabeled data. Based on these ideas, we substitute the following artificial data set sizes for our unlabeled data before using standard example-proportional mixing (described in Section 3.5.2): 710,000 for Small, 2,620,000 for Base, 8,660,000 for Large, 33,500,000 for 3B, and 133,000,000 for 11B. For all model variants, we also capped the effective data set size of the WMT English to French and WMT English to German data sets to 1M examples during pre-training.
Fine-tuning on individual GLUE and SuperGLUE tasks
So far, when fine-tuning on GLUE and SuperGLUE, we have concatenated all of the data sets in each benchmark so that we only fine-tune models once for GLUE and once for SuperGLUE. This approach makes our study logistically simpler, but we found that this sacrifices a small amount of performance on some tasks compared to fine-tuning on the task separately. A potential issue with fine-tuning on individual tasks, which would otherwise be mitigated by training on all tasks at once, is that we might overfit quickly to low-resource tasks. For example, our large batch size of 2^11 length-512 sequences would result in the entire data set appearing multiple times in each batch for many of the low-resource GLUE and SuperGLUE tasks. We therefore use a smaller batch size of 8 length-512 sequences during fine-tuning for each GLUE and SuperGLUE task. We also save checkpoints every 1,000 steps rather than every 5,000 steps to ensure we have access to the model’s parameters before it overfits.
Beam search
All of our previous results were reported using greedy decoding. For tasks with long output sequences, we found improved performance from using beam search (Sutskever et al., 2014). Specifically, we use a beam width of 4 and a length penalty of α = 0.6 (Wu et al., 2016) for the WMT translation and CNN/DM summarization tasks.
Test set
Since this is our final set of experiments, we report results on the test set rather than the validation set. For CNN/Daily Mail, we use the standard test set distributed with the data set. For the WMT tasks, this corresponds to using newstest2014 for English-German, newstest2015 for English-French, and newstest2016 for EnglishRomanian. For GLUE and SuperGLUE, we used the benchmark evaluation servers to compute official test set scores.15,16 For SQuAD, evaluating on the test set requires running inference on a benchmark server. Unfortunately, the computational resources on this server are insufficient for obtaining predictions from our largest models. As a result, we instead continue to report performance on the SQuAD validation set. Fortunately, the model with the highest performance on the SQuAD test set also reported results on the validation set, so we can still compare to what is ostensibly the state-of-the-art.
Apart from those changes mentioned above, we use the same training procedure and hyperparameters as our baseline (AdaFactor optimizer, inverse square root learning rate schedule for pre-training, constant learning rate for fine-tuning, dropout regularization, vocabulary, etc.). For reference, these details are described in Section 2.
The results of this final set of experiments are shown in Table 14. Overall, we achieved state-of-the-art performance on 18 out of the 24 tasks we consider. As expected, our largest (11 billion parameter) model performed best among our model size variants across all tasks. Our T5-3B model variant did beat the previous state of the art in a few tasks, but scaling the model size to 11 billion parameters was the most important ingredient for achieving our best performance. We now analyze the results for each individual benchmark.
We achieved a state-of-the-art average GLUE score of 90.3. Notably, our performance was substantially better than the previous state-of-the-art for the natural language inference tasks MNLI, RTE, and WNLI. RTE and WNLI are two of the tasks where machine performance has historically lagged behind human performance, which is 93.6 and 95.9 respectively (Wang et al., 2018). In terms of parameter count, our 11B model variant is the largest model that has been submitted to the GLUE benchmark. However, most of the best-scoring submissions use a large amount of ensembling and computation to produce predictions. For example, the best-performing variant of ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) uses a model similar in size and architecture to our 3B variant (though it has dramatically fewer parameters due to clever parameter sharing). To produce its impressive performance on GLUE, the ALBERT authors ensembled “from 6 to 17” models depending on the task. This likely results in it being more computationally expensive to produce predictions with the ALBERT ensemble than it is with T5-11B.
For SQuAD, we outperformed the previous state-of-the-art (ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019)) by over one point on the Exact Match score. SQuAD is a long-standing benchmark that was created over three years ago, and most recent improvements have only increased the state-of-the-art by a fraction of a percentage point. We note that when results are reported on the test set, they are typically based on an ensemble of models and/or leverage external data sets (e.g. TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017) or NewsQA (Trischler et al., 2016)) to augment the small SQuAD training set. Human performance on SQuAD is estimated at 82.30 and 91.22 for the Exact Match and F1 metric respectively (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), so it is not clear if further improvements on this benchmark are meaningful.
For SuperGLUE, we improved upon the state-of-the-art by a large margin (from an average score of 84.6 (Liu et al., 2019c) to 88.9). SuperGLUE was designed to include tasks that were “beyond the scope of current state-of-the-art systems, but solvable by most college-educated English speakers” (Wang et al., 2019b). We nearly match the human performance of 89.8 (Wang et al., 2019b). Interestingly, on the reading comprehension tasks (MultiRC and ReCoRD) we exceed human performance by a large margin, suggesting the evaluation metrics used for these tasks may be biased towards machine-made predictions. On the other hand, humans achieve 100% accuracy on both COPA and WSC, which is significantly better than our model’s performance. This suggests that there remain linguistic tasks that are hard for our model to perfect, particularly in the low-resource setting.
We did not achieve state-of-the-art performance on any of the WMT translation tasks. This may be in part due to our use of an English-only unlabeled data set. We also note that most of the best results on these tasks use backtranslation (Edunov et al., 2018; Lample and Conneau, 2019), which is a sophisticated data augmentation scheme. The state of the art on the low-resource English to Romanian benchmark also uses additional forms of cross-lingual unsupervised training (Lample and Conneau, 2019). Our results suggest that scale and English-language pre-training may be insufficient to match the performance of these more sophisticated methods. On a more specific note, the best results on English to German newstest2014 set use the much larger training set from WMT 2018 (Edunov et al., 2018), making direct comparison to our results difficult.
Finally, on CNN/Daily Mail we attain state-of-the-art performance, though only by a significant amount on the ROUGE-2-F score. It has been shown that improvements to the ROUGE score do not necessarily correspond to more coherent summaries (Paulus et al., 2017). Furthermore, while CNN/Daily Mail is posed as an abstractive summarization benchmark, purely extractive approaches have been shown to work well (Liu, 2019). It has also been argued that generative models trained with maximum likelihood are prone to producing repetitive summaries (See et al., 2017). Despite these potential issues, we find that our models do generate coherent and largely correct summaries. We provide some non-cherry-picked validation set examples in Appendix C.
To achieve its strong results, T5 combines insights from our experimental study with unprecedented scale. Note that in Section 3.6 we found that scaling up the pre-training amount or size of our baseline model produced substantial gains. Given this, we were interested to measure how much the “non-scaling” changes we introduced into T5 contributed to its strong performance. We therefore carried out a final experiment where we compared the following three configurations: First, the standard baseline model, which was pre-trained on 2^35 ≈ 34B tokens; second, the baseline trained instead for about 1 trillion tokens (i.e. the same amount of pre-training used for T5), which we refer to as “baseline-1T”; and third, T5-Base. Note that the differences between baseline-1T and T5-Base comprise the “non-scaling” changes we made when designing T5. As such, comparing the performance of these two models gives us a concrete measurement of the impact of the insights from our systematic study.
The performance of these three model configurations is shown in Table 15. Consistent with the findings in Section 3.6, we find that additional pre-training improves performance over the baseline. Nevertheless, T5-Base substantially outperforms baseline-1T on all downstream tasks. This suggests that scale is not the only factor that contributes to T5’s success. We hypothesize that the larger models benefit not only from their increased size but also from these non-scaling factors.
4. Reflection
Having completed our systematic study, we wrap up by first recapping some of our most significant findings. Our results provide some high-level perspective on which avenues of research might be more or less promising. To conclude, we outline some topics we think might provide effective approaches for further progressing the field.
4.1. Takeaways
Our text-to-text framework provides a simple way to train a single model on a wide variety of text tasks using the same loss function and decoding procedure. We showed how this approach can be successfully applied to generative tasks like abstractive summarization, classification tasks like natural language inference, and even regression tasks like STS-B. In spite of its simplicity, we found the text-to-text framework obtained comparable performance to task-specific architectures and ultimately produced state-of-the-art results when combined with scale.
While some work on transfer learning for NLP has considered architectural variants of the Transformer, we found the original encoder-decoder form worked best in our text-to-text framework. Though an encoder-decoder model uses twice as many parameters as “encoder-only” (e.g. BERT) or “decoder-only” (language model) architectures, it has a similar computational cost. We also showed that sharing the parameters in the encoder and decoder did not result in a substantial performance drop while halving the total parameter count.
Unsupervised objectives
Overall, we found that most “denoising” objectives, which train the model to reconstruct randomly corrupted text, performed similarly in the text-to-text setup. As a result, we suggest using objectives that produce short target sequences so that unsupervised pre-training is more computationally efficient.
Data sets
We introduced the “Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus” (C4), which comprises heuristically-cleaned text from the Common Crawl web dump. When comparing C4 to data sets that use additional filtering, we found that training on in-domain unlabeled data could boost performance in a few downstream tasks. However, constraining to a single domain typically results in a smaller data set. We separately showed that performance can degrade when an unlabeled data set is small enough that it is repeated many times over the course of pre-training. This motivates the use of a large and diverse data set like C4 for generic language understanding tasks.
Training strategies
We found that the basic approach of updating all of a pre-trained model’s parameters during fine-tuning outperformed methods that are designed to update fewer parameters, although updating all parameters is most expensive. We also experimented with various approaches for training the model on multiple tasks at once, which in our text-to-text setting simply corresponds to mixing examples from different data sets when constructing batches. The primary concern in multi-task learning is setting the proportion of each task to train on. We ultimately did not find a strategy for setting mixing proportions that matched the performance of the basic approach of unsupervised pre-training followed by supervised fine-tuning. However, we found that fine-tuning after pre-training on a mixture of tasks produced comparable performance to unsupervised pre-training.
We compared various strategies for taking advantage of additional compute, including training the model on more data, training a larger model, and using an ensemble of models. We found each approach conferred a significant boost in performance, though training a smaller model on more data was often outperformed by training a larger model for fewer steps. We also showed an ensemble of models can provide substantially better results than a single model, which provides an orthogonal means of leveraging additional computation. Ensembling models that were fine-tuned from the same base pre-trained model performed worse than pre-training and fine-tuning all models completely separately, though fine-tune-only ensembling still substantially outperformed a single model.
Pushing the limits
We combined our above insights and trained substantially larger models (up to 11 billion parameters) to achieve state-of-the-art results across many of the benchmarks we considered. For unsupervised training, we extracted text from our C4 data set and applied a denoising objective that corrupts contiguous spans of tokens. We pre-trained on a multi-task mixture before fine-tuning on individual tasks. Overall, our models were trained on over 1 trillion tokens. In the interest of facilitating the replication, extension, and application of our results, we release our code, the C4 data set, and pre-trained model weights for each T5 variant.1
4.2. Outlook
The inconvenience of large models
An unsurprising but important result from our study is that larger models tend to perform better. The fact that the hardware used for running these models is continually getting cheaper and more powerful suggests that scaling up may continue to be a promising way to achieve better performance (Sutton, 2019). However, it will always be the case that there are applications and scenarios where using a smaller or less expensive model is helpful, for example when performing client-side inference or federated learning (Konečn`y et al., 2015, 2016). Relatedly, one beneficial use of transfer learning is the possibility of attaining good performance on low-resource tasks. Low-resource tasks often occur (by definition) in settings where one lacks the assets to label more data. It follows that low-resource applications often also have limited access to computational resources which can incur additional costs. As a result, we advocate for research on methods that achieve stronger performance with cheaper models so that transfer learning can be applied where it will have the most impact. Some current work along these lines include distillation (Hinton et al., 2015; Sanh et al., 2019; Jiao et al., 2019), parameter sharing (Lan et al., 2019), and conditional computation (Shazeer et al., 2017).
More efficient knowledge extraction
Recall that one of the goals of pre-training is (loosely speaking) to provide the model with general-purpose “knowledge” that improves its performance on downstream tasks. The method we use in this work, which is currently common practice, is to train the model to denoise corrupted spans of text. We suspect that this simplistic technique may not be a very efficient way to teach the model general-purpose knowledge. More concretely, it would be useful to be able to attain good fine-tuning performance without needing to train our models on 1 trillion tokens of text first. Some concurrent work along these lines improves efficiency by pre-training a model to distinguish between real and machine-generated text (Clark et al., 2020).
Formalizing the similarity between tasks
We observed that pre-training on unlabeled in-domain data can improve performance on downstream tasks (Section 3.4). This finding mostly relies on basic observations like the fact that SQuAD was created using data from Wikipedia. It would be useful to formulate a more rigorous notion of the “similarity” between the pre-training and downstream tasks, so that we could make more principled choices about what source of unlabeled data to use. There is some early empirical work along these lines in the field of computer vision (Huh et al., 2016; Kornblith et al., 2018; He et al., 2018). A better notion of the relatedness of tasks could also help choose supervised pre-training tasks, which has been shown to be helpful for the GLUE benchmark (Phang et al., 2018).
Language-agnostic models
We were disappointed to find that English-only pre-training did not achieve state-of-the-art results on the translation tasks we studied. We also are interested in avoiding the logistical difficulty of needing to specify which languages a vocabulary can encode ahead of time. To address these issues, we are interested in further investigating language-agnostic models, i.e. models that can perform a given NLP task with good performance regardless of the text’s language. This is an especially pertinent issue given that English is not the native language for the majority of the world’s population.
The motivation for this paper was the flurry of recent work on transfer learning for NLP. Before we began this work, these advances had already enabled breakthroughs in settings where learning-based methods had not yet been shown to be effective. We are happy to be able to continue this trend, for example by nearly matching human-level performance on the SuperGLUE benchmark, a task specifically designed to be difficult for modern transfer-learning pipelines. Our results stem from the combination of a straightforward and unified text-to-text framework, our new C4 data set, and insights from our systematic study. Additionally, we provided an empirical overview of the field and a perspective on where it stands. We are excited to see continued work using transfer learning towards the goal of general language understanding.
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