
  • (2/2) Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing
    Research/NLP_Paper 2024. 7. 25. 00:14


    7. Training Strategies for Prompting Methods

    With the methods in the above sections, it is now clear how to obtain an appropriate prompt (or prompts) and corresponding answers. Now we discuss about methods that explicitly train models in concert with prompting methods, as outlined in the “Training Strategies” section of Fig.1.

    7.1. Training Settings

    In many cases, prompting methods can be used without any explicit training of the LM for the down-stream task, simply taking an LM that has been trained to predict the probability of text P(x) and applying it as-is to fill the cloze or prefix prompts defined to specify the task. This is traditionally called the zero-shot setting, as there is zero training data for the task of interest.


    However, there are also methods that use training data to train the model in concert with prompting methods. These consist of either full-data learning, where a reasonably large number of training examples are used to train the model, or few-shot learning where a very small number of examples are used to train the model. Prompting methods are particularly useful in the latter case, as there are generally not enough training examples to fully specify the desired behavior, and thus using a prompt to push the model in the right direction is particularly effective.


    One thing to note is that for many of the prompt engineering methods described in §4, although annotated training samples are not explicitly used in the training of the downstream task model, they are often used in the construction or validation of the prompts that the downstream task will use. As noted by Perez et al. (2021), this is arguably not true zero-shot learning with respect to the downstream task.

    7.2. Parameter Update Methods

    In prompt-based downstream task learning, there are usually two types of parameters, namely those from (1) pre-trained models and (2) prompts. Which part of parameters should be updated is one important design decision, which can lead to different levels of applicability in different scenarios. We summarize five tuning strategies (as shown in Tab. 6) based on (i) whether the parameters of the underlying LM are tuned, (ii) whether there are additional prompt-related parameters, (iii) if there are additional prompt-related parameters, whether those parameters are tuned.

    7.2.1. Promptless Fine-tuning

    As mentioned in the introduction, the pre-train and fine-tune strategy has been widely used in NLP since before the popularization of prompting methods. Here we refer to pre-training and fine-tuning without prompts as promptless fine-tuning, to contrast with the prompt-based learning methods introduced in the following sections. In this strategy, given a dataset of a task, all (or some (Howard and Ruder, 2018; Peters et al., 2019)) of the parameters of the pre-trained LM will be updated via gradients induced from downstream training samples. Typical examples of pre-trained models tuned in this way include BERT [32] and RoBERTa [105]. This is a simple, powerful, and widely-used method, but it may overfit or not learn stably on small datasets (Dodge et al., 2020). Models are also prone to catastrophic forgetting, where the LM loses its ability to do things that it was able to do before fine-tuning (McCloskey and Cohen, 1989).

    7.2.2. Tuning-free Prompting

    Tuning-free prompting directly generates the answers without changing the parameters of the pre-trained LMs based only on a prompt, as described in the simplest incarnation of prompting in §2. These can be optionally augmenting input with answered prompts as described in §6.2, and this combination of tuning-free prompting and prompt augmentation is also referred to as in-context learning (Brown et al., 2020). Typical examples of tuning-free prompting include LAMA [133] and GPT-3 [16].

    7.2.3. Fixed-LM Prompt Tuning

    In the scenario where additional prompt-relevant parameters are introduced besides parameters of the pre-trained model, fixed-LM prompt tuning updates only the prompts’ parameters using the supervision signal obtained from the downstream training samples, while keeping the entire pre-trained LM unchanged. Typical examples are Prefix-Tuning [96] and WARP [55].

    7.2.4. Fixed-prompt LM Tuning

    Fixed-prompt LM tuning tunes the parameters of the LM, as in the standard pre-train and fine-tune paradigm, but additionally uses prompts with fixed parameters to specify the model behavior. This potentially leads to improvements, particularly in few-shot scenarios.


    The most natural way to do so is to provide a discrete textual template that is applied to every training and test example. Typical examples include PET-TC [153], PET-Gen [152], LM-BFF [46]. Logan IV et al. (2021) more recently observe that the prompt engineering can be reduced by allowing for a combination of answer engineering and partial LM fine-tuning. For example, they define a very simple template, null prompt, where the input and mask are directly concatenated “[X][Z]” without any template words, and find this achieves competitive accuracy.

    7.2.5. Prompt+LM Tuning

    In this setting, there are prompt-relevant parameters, which can be fine-tuned together with the all or some of the parameters of the pre-trained models. Representative examples include PADA [8], P-Tuning [103]. Notably, this setting is very similar to the standard pre-train and fine-tune paradigm, but the addition of the prompt can provide additional bootstrapping at the start of model training.

    10. Challenges

    Although prompt-based learning has shown significant potential among different tasks and scenarios, several challenges remain, some of which we detail below.

    10.1. Prompt Design

    Tasks beyond Classification and Generation Most existing works about prompt-based learning revolve around either text classification or generation-based tasks. Applications to information extraction and text analysis tasks have been discussed less, largely because the design of prompts is less straightforward. We expect that applying prompting methods to these tasks in the future it will require either reformulating these tasks so that they can be solved using classification or text generation-based methods, or performing effective answer engineering that expresses structured outputs in an appropriate textual format.


    Prompting with Structured Information In many NLP tasks, the inputs are imbued with some variety of structure, such as tree, graph, table, or relational structures. How to best express these structures in prompt or answer engineering is a major challenge. Existing works (Chen et al., 2021b) make a step by making prompts with additional marks to encode lexical information, such as entity markings. Aghajanyan et al. (2021) present structured prompts based on hyper text markup language for more fine-grained web text generation. However, moving beyond this to more complicated varieties of structure is largely unexplored, and a potentially interesting research area.


    Entanglement of Template and Answer The performance of a model will depend on both the templates being used and the answer being considered. How to simultaneously search or learn for the best combination of template and answer remains a challenging question. Current works typically select answers before select template (Gao et al., 2021; Shin et al., 2020), but Hambardzumyan et al. (2021) have demonstrated the initial potential of simultaneously learning both.

    10.2. Answer Engineering

    Many-class and Long-answer Classification Tasks For classification-based tasks, there are two main challenges for answer engineering: (a) When there are too many classes, how to select an appropriate answer space becomes a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. (b) When using multi-token answers, how to best decode multiple tokens using LMs remains unknown, although some multi-token decoding methods have been proposed (Jiang et al., 2020a).


    Multiple Answers for Generation Tasks For text generation tasks, qualified answers can be semantically equivalent but syntactically diverse. So far, almost all works use prompt learning for text generation relying solely on a single answer, with only a few exceptions (Jiang et al., 2020c). How to better guide the learning process with multiple references remains a largely open research problem.

    10.3. Selection of Tuning Strategy

    As discussed in §7, there are a fairly wide variety of methods for tuning parameters of prompts, LMs, or both. However, given the nascent stage of this research field, we still lack a systematic understanding of the tradeoffs between these methods. The field could benefit from systematic explorations such as those performed in the pre-train and fine-tune paradigm regarding the tradeoffs between these different strategies (Peters et al., 2019).

    10.4. Multiple Prompt Learning

    Prompt Ensembling In prompt ensembling methods, the space and time complexity increase as we consider more prompts. How to distill the knowledge from different prompts remains underexplored. Schick and Schutze ¨ (2020, 2021a,b) use an ensemble model to annotate a large dataset to distill the knowledge from multiple prompts. In addition, how to select ensemble-worthy prompts is also under-explored. For text generation tasks, the study of prompt ensemble learning has not been performed so far, probably because ensemble learning in text generation itself is relatively complicated. To remedy this problem, some recently proposed neural ensembling methods such as Refactor (Liu et al., 2021c) could be considered as a method for prompt ensembling in text generation tasks.


    Prompt Composition and Decomposition Both prompt composition and decomposition aim to break down the difficulty of a complicated task input by introducing multiple sub-prompts. In practice, how to make a good choice between them is a crucial step. Empirically, for those token (Ma and Hovy, 2016) or span (Fu et al., 2021) prediction tasks (e.g., NER), prompt decomposition can be considered, while for those span relation prediction (Lee et al., 2017) tasks (e.g., entity coreference), prompts composition would be a better choice. In the future, the general idea of de-/composing can be explored in more scenarios.


    Prompt Augmentation Existing prompt augmentation methods are limited by the input length, i.e., feeding too many demonstrations to input is infeasible. Therefore, how to select informative demonstrations, and order them in an appropriate is an interesting but challenging problem (Kumar and Talukdar, 2021).


    Prompt Sharing All the above considerations refer to the application of prompt in a single task, domain or language. We may also consider prompt sharing, where prompt learning is applied to multiple tasks, domains, or languages. Some key issues that may arise include how to design individual prompts for different tasks, and how to modulate their interaction with each other. So far this field has not been explored. Fig.5 illustrates a simple multiple prompt learning strategy for multiple tasks, where prompt templates are partially shared.

    10.5. Selection of Pre-trained Models

    With plenty of pre-trained LMs to select from (see §3), how to choose them to better leverage prompt-based learning is an interesting and difficult problem. Although we have conceptually introduced (§3.4) how different paradigms of pre-trained models are selected for diverse NLP tasks, there are few to no systematic comparisons of the benefits brought by prompt-based learning for different pre-trained LMs.

    10.6. Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Prompting

    Despite their success in many scenarios, theoretical analysis and guarantees for prompt-based learning are scarce. Wei et al. (2021) showed that soft-prompt tuning can relax the non-degeneracy assumptions (the generation probability of each token is linearly independent) needed for downstream recovery (i.e. recover the ground-truth labels of the downstream task.), making it easier to extract task-specific information. Saunshi et al. (2021) verified that text classification tasks can be reformulated as sentence completion tasks, thus making language modeling a meaningful pre-training task. Scao and Rush (2021) empirically show that prompting is often worth 100s of data points on average across classification tasks.

    10.7 Transferability of Prompts

    Understanding the extent to which prompts are specific to the model and improving the transferability of prompts are also important topics. (Perez et al., 2021) show that prompts selected under tuned few-shot learning scenario (where one has a larger validation set to choose prompts) generalize well across models of similar sizes while prompts selected under true few-shot learning scenario (where one only has a few training samples) do not generalize as effectively as the former setting among models with similar sizes. The transferability is poor when the model sizes are quite different in both scenarios.

    10.8 Combination of Different Paradigms

    Notably, much of the success of the prompting paradigm is built on top of pre-trained models that were developed for the pre-train and fine-tune paradigm, such as BERT. However, are the pre-training methods that are effective for the latter applicable as-is to the former, or can we entirely re-think our pre-training methods to further improve accuracy or ease of applicability to prompting-based learning? This is an important research question that has not been covered extensively by the literature.

    10.9 Calibration of Prompting Methods

    Calibration (Gleser, 1996) refers to the ability of a model to make good probabilistic predictions. When using the generation probability of the pre-trained LMs (e.g., BART) to predict the answer, we need to be careful since the probability distribution is typically not well calibrated. Jiang et al. (2020b) observed the probabilities of pre-trained models (e.g., BART, T5, GPT-2) on QA tasks are well calibrated. Zhao et al. (2021) identify three pitfalls (majority label bias, recency bias and common token bias) that lead the pre-trained LMs to be biased toward certain answers when provided answered prompts. For example, if the final answered prompt has a positive label, then this will bias the model towards predicting positive words. To overcome those pitfalls, Zhao et al. (2021) first use context-free input (e.g. the prompt would be “Input: Subpar acting. Sentiment: Negative\n Input: Beautiful film. Sentiment: Positive\n Input: N/A. Sentiment:”) to get the initial probability distribution P0, then they use the real input (e.g. the prompt would be “Input: Subpar acting. Sentiment: Negative\n Input: Beautiful film. Sentiment: Positive\n Input: Amazing. Sentiment:”) to get the probability distribution P1. Finally, these two distributions can be used to get a calibrated generation probability distribution. However, this method has two drawbacks: (1) it comes with the overhead of finding proper context-free input (e.g. whether to use “N/A” or “None”) and (2) the probability distribution of the underlying pre-trained LM is still not calibrated.


    Even though we have a calibrated probability distribution, we also need to be careful when we assume a single gold answer for an input. This is because that all surface forms of a same object will compete for finite probability mass (Holtzman et al., 2021). For example, if we consider the gold answer to be “Whirlpool bath”, the generation probability of it will typically be low since the word “Bathtub” shares the same meaning and it will take over a large probability mass. To address this issue, we could either (i) perform answer engineering to construct a comprehensive gold answer set using paraphrasing methods (§5.2.2) or (ii) calibrate the probability of a word based on its prior likelihood within the context (Holtzman et al., 2021).

    11. Meta Analysis

    In this section, we aim to give a quantitative birds-eye view of existing research on prompting methods by performing a meta analysis over existing research works along different dimensions.

    11.1. Timeline

    We first summarize a number of existing research papers in a chronological order with in the form of a timeline, which hopefully, help researchers who are new to this topic understand the evolution of the field.

    11.2. Trend Analysis

    We also calculate the number of prompt-based papers with respect to different dimensions.


    Year With the emergence of different kinds of pre-trained LMs, prompt-based learning has become a more and more active research field, as can be seen in Fig. 6-(a). We can see a huge surge in 2021, which is perhaps due to the prevalence of GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020), which greatly increased the popularity of prompting in the few-shot multi-task setting.


    Tasks We plot the number of works that investigate various tasks in Fig. 6-(b). For a task that has fewer than 5 relevant works, we group it into “Others”. As the bar chart indicates, most tasks regarding prompt-based learning revolve around text classification and factual probing. We conjecture that this is because that for these tasks, both template engineering and answer engineering are relatively easy to conduct, and experiments are relatively computationally inexpensive.


    Prompt vs. Answer Search As noted in previous sections, both prompt and answer search are important tools to take advantage of pre-trained language models for many tasks. Current research mainly focuses on template search instead of answer search, as shown in Fig. 6-(c).


    Likely reasons are: (1) For conditional generation tasks (e.g. summarization or translation), the gold references can be directly used as answer. Although there are many sequences that may share the same semantics, how to effectively conduct multi-reference learning in conditional text generation problems is non-trivial. (2) For classification tasks, most of the time, label words are relative easy to select using domain knowledge.


    Discrete Search vs. Continuous Search Since there are only a few works focus on automatic answer search, we analyze the automatic template search. As time goes by, there has been a shift from discrete search to continuous search for prompt engineering, as shown in Fig. 6-(d). Likely reasons are: (1) discrete search is harder to optimize compared to continuous search, (2) soft prompts have greater representation ability.

    12. Conclusion

    In this paper, we have summarized and analyzed several paradigms in the development of statistical natural language processing techniques, and have argued that prompt-based learning is a promising new paradigm that may represent another major change in the way we look at NLP. First and foremost, we hope this survey will help researchers more effectively and comprehensively understand the paradigm of prompt-based learning, and grasp its core challenges so that more scientifically meaningful advances can be made in this field. In addition, looking all the way back to the summary of the four paradigms of NLP research presented in §1, we hope to highlight the commonalities and differences between them, making research on any of these paradigms more full-fledged, and potentially providing a catalyst to inspire work towards the next paradigm shift as well.


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